The Bork Magazine
A collection of articles on dog training, nutrition, and dog care tips for when you don’t know what the f*ck you’re doing as a dog owner.

How to Create Structure and Boundaries For Your Dog
Establishing structure and boundaries for your dog is important for a number of reasons. It helps your dog understand what is expected of them, which can lead to fewer problem...

Can the Place Command Help Separation Anxiety in Dogs?
By providing a sense of structure and predictability, giving your dog something to focus on, and creating a sense of security, the place command can be a valuable tool in...

What Breed is Your Dog?
Understanding the breed groups our dog is in can help us to better understand behavioral issues and how to provide proper mental and physical outlets for their breed(s).

Enrichment on the Cheap: Free Enrichment Activities for Dogs
Canine enrichment is important, but it doesn't have to cost you a thing! Read more about the games you can play for free at home.

A Guide to Leave No Trace Hiking with a Dog
February is Responsible Pet Owners Month, and that means being responsible for more than just keeping your dog's poop off of trails. Read more to find out what else!

Lightweight, durable rolled BioThane leashes to elevate your dog training.

Beautiful and functional gear to help you advocate for space for your dog.